Introduction to Baroque

Thursday, May 23, 2019The Baroque Era – 17th Century Baroque Overview Transcript (PDF) Derived from barroco — Portuguese for irregularly shaped pearl Originally a negative term Drama and theatricality in all the arts Elements of classical antiquities utilized, but without classical ideals of restraint Emotional involvement of the viewer or listener Defined by the Counter-Reformation,…

Visual Arts in the Northern Renaissance

Friday, February 16, 2024Oil Painting Comes of Age During the Northern Renaissance the science behind creating oil paints is perfected.   Read more – click here.  Required Meet the Important Artists of the Northern Renaissance — An Overview.  Required Lisa Klaich’s Pinterest collection of Northern Renaissance Art. – Browse to get a taste of all…

Influences on the Northern Renaissance

Monday, August 21, 2023Humanism in the Northern Renaissance This section is required. Humanism continued in the North, but the emphasis was much more Christian than Italian Humanism. It still focused on Plato, and continued the reinspection of Greek and Roman ideals. The Northern Humanists were more concerned in helping making life better, for everybody. The…

Introduction to the Northern Renaissance

Thursday, May 23, 2019The Similarities to the Italian Renaissance Similarities to the Italian Renaissance Transcript (PDF) Humanism spread to the northern countries from Italy Religious subject matter was still very important in the visual arts Attention to realism and the focus on humans The Differences “The Differences” Transcript (PDF) The rebirth or Renaissance emerge to…

Introduction to the Renaissance

Monday, June 10, 2024Introduction to the Italian Renaissance –    Late 1300’s – Mid 1500’s Required Audio Lecture Introduction to the Renaissance Transcript (PDF) The Middle Ages were characterized by: An intense religiosity Famine and plague A state of war that was so persistent that it was rarely interrupted by peace The feudal system Great…

Visual Arts During the Italian Renaissance

Monday, June 10, 2024Innovations in the Visual Arts of the Renaissance All links in this section are required. Many innovations mark the differences between art of the Italian Renaissance and works from the Middle Ages.  Some of these innovations were: The use of Greek and Roman mythology as subject matter Linear perspective The development of…

Humanism During the Renaissance

Thursday, August 20, 2020Characteristics of Humanism: Characteristics of Humanism Transcript (PDF) A philosophical belief A study of Greek philosophers, sciences and arts. Celebration of human achievement Emphasis on human reason, spirit, and physical beauty The Medicis and The Platonic Academy of Philosophy in Florence Section of “Madonna of the Meadow” Raphael, 1505, Florence, Italy Click…

Choosing a URL

Thursday, May 23, 2019 Above, you see a URL: You are going to need to create a URL for your blog.   The first part will be of your choosing.   Time to think about that. For this class you will need to incorporate your name into your blog address. If you feel…

Influences During the Baroque Era

Friday, May 24, 2024Politics Thirty Year’s War Transcript (PDF) The Hapsburg, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire vs. Denmark, France, Sweden and parts of Germany Religious element to the war Lutherans, Catholics and Calvinists Spain declined in power, France gained in power Tremendous loss of life in Germany More European nations controlling their own population…