Visual Arts in the Northern Renaissance

Friday, February 16, 2024Oil Painting Comes of Age During the Northern Renaissance the science behind creating oil paints is perfected.   Read more – click here.  Required Meet the Important Artists of the Northern Renaissance — An Overview.  Required Lisa Klaich’s Pinterest collection of Northern Renaissance Art. – Browse to get a taste of all…

Influences on the Northern Renaissance

Monday, August 21, 2023Humanism in the Northern Renaissance This section is required. Humanism continued in the North, but the emphasis was much more Christian than Italian Humanism. It still focused on Plato, and continued the reinspection of Greek and Roman ideals. The Northern Humanists were more concerned in helping making life better, for everybody. The…

Introduction to the Northern Renaissance

Thursday, May 23, 2019The Similarities to the Italian Renaissance Similarities to the Italian Renaissance Transcript (PDF) Humanism spread to the northern countries from Italy Religious subject matter was still very important in the visual arts Attention to realism and the focus on humans The Differences “The Differences” Transcript (PDF) The rebirth or Renaissance emerge to…