Introduction to the Renaissance

Introduction to the Italian Renaissance –    Late 1300’s – Mid 1500’s

Required Audio Lecture

Introduction to the Renaissance Transcript (PDF)

The Middle Ages were characterized by:

  • An intense religiosity
  • Famine and plague
  • A state of war that was so persistent that it was rarely interrupted by peace
  • The feudal system
  • Great disparities between wealth and poverty
    Mary Magdalen Announcing the Resurrection to the Apostles (1120's) St. Albans Psalter, St Godehard's Church, Hildesheim, England

    Mary Magdalen Announcing the Resurrection to the Apostles (1120’s) St. Albans Psalter, St Godehard’s Church, Hildesheim, England

The Renaissance was characterized by:

  • An interest in the individual person
  • A reinvention of civilization based upon Greek and Roman ideals
  • Increased opportunities for trade
  • Growing power in the merchant and middle classes
  • A growing interest in the arts and philosophy
    Quentin Massy - Netherlands, 1466-1530Date of work unknown

    Quentin Massy – Netherlands, 1466-1530
    Date of work unknown

What era would you live in – the Middle Ages or the Renaissance?

Want another overview? Looking for an A in this course. This optional video is recommended to reinforce and further explain the Renaissance. Crash Course – Renaissance.