Introduction to the Renaissance

Monday, February 17, 2020Introduction to the Italian Renaissance –    Late 1300’s – Mid 1500’s Required Video Lecture – click to view Required Audio Lecture Introduction to the Renaissance Transcript (PDF) The Middle Ages were characterized by: An intense religiosity Famine and plague A state of war that was so persistent that it was rarely…

Visual Arts During the Italian Renaissance

Monday, August 21, 2023Innovations in the Visual Arts of the Renaissance All links in this section are required. Many innovations mark the differences between art of the Italian Renaissance and works from the Middle Ages.  Some of these innovations were: The use of Greek and Roman mythology as subject matter Linear perspective The development of…

Humanism During the Renaissance

Thursday, August 20, 2020Characteristics of Humanism: Characteristics of Humanism Transcript (PDF) A philosophical belief A study of Greek philosophers, sciences and arts. Celebration of human achievement Emphasis on human reason, spirit, and physical beauty The Medicis and The Platonic Academy of Philosophy in Florence Section of “Madonna of the Meadow” Raphael, 1505, Florence, Italy Click…