Introduction to Baroque

Thursday, May 23, 2019The Baroque Era – 17th Century Baroque Overview Transcript (PDF) Derived from barroco — Portuguese for irregularly shaped pearl Originally a negative term Drama and theatricality in all the arts Elements of classical antiquities utilized, but without classical ideals of restraint Emotional involvement of the viewer or listener Defined by the Counter-Reformation,…

Influences During the Baroque Era

Friday, May 24, 2024Politics Thirty Year’s War Transcript (PDF) The Hapsburg, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire vs. Denmark, France, Sweden and parts of Germany Religious element to the war Lutherans, Catholics and Calvinists Spain declined in power, France gained in power Tremendous loss of life in Germany More European nations controlling their own population…

Objectives: Baroque

Thursday, May 23, 2019Identify and explain the forces behind the Baroque Era How Baroque style transformed from the styles of the Renaissance How the Counter-Reformation effected the arts Secular painting in Holland Artistic changes in architectural styles Scientific discoveries Leading Painters of the Baroque Era Changes in painting techniques and subject matter used by visual…