Classical Influences and Architecture


The American Revolution 1776 — 1781

americanrevolution.mp3 – -Transcript of the above audio – Sorry folks – the audio has disappeared.  If you’d like a longer discussion try

Crash Course History

The Reasons

  • Taxation:   Stamp Act
  • Trials without Juries:   Judges paid by the fines they levied on the guilty
  • Housing and accommodating troops:   Writs of Assistance, Billeting Act

The Results

  • Declaration of Independence
  • A Sovereign Nation
  • Founded on Enlightenment Ideals
  • Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
  • The Foundations for Democracy Based on Classical Antiquities
  • Bill of Rights

The French Revolution 1789-1799

frenchrevolution.mp3 – Transcript of the above audio

Overview – and more

The Reasons

The Situation progresses

  • Demise of the Monarchy
  • Reign of Terror

Coup D’Etat

Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821
For more indepth study

  • Roman Model — First Consul
  • Triumph of the Common man
  • Voted in as Consul for Life
  • Declared Himself Emperor
  • Napoleonic Code

The Industrial Revolution –


  • Adam Smith 1727-90 — Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations- 1776



  • No Longer on the Cutting Edge
  • Relative Religious Stability
  • Overshadowed by Secular Concerns
  • Overshadowed by the Philosophy of Enlightenment


The Revolution of Sciences


Sir Isaac Newton – 164-1727

Physics and the Forces of the Universe

The Encyclopedia

The Classification System
Carolus Linnaeus 1707-78

Not only can humans know everything, but they can catalog it too!

The Discovery of Pompeii – 1738



Rococo Architecture – an overview


Rococo – The term is possibly related to rocaille — decorative work made from pebbles and shells

  • Strongly connected to Baroque sensibilities
  • Refined some of the elaborate aspects of the Baroque style
  • The preferred style of the French aristocracy
    The Enlightenment defined itself by its conflict with this style

Fanciful interior spaces — The Salon – Click on image link to view…

Photograph of a Rococo Revival Parlor in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Dressing room in the Gatchina Palace. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

  • Gilded
  • Ornate scrolls
  • Asymmetrical
  • Curved lines
  • Very light and feminine

Neoclassical Architecture


Use of elements from Greek and Roman Ruins

  • Columns
  • Arches
  • Symmetry
  • Proportion
  • Flat interior walls
  • Dominated by regularity, reason and logic

Neoclassical Architecture and America – short video lecture

European Neoclassical Architecture